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☀ 1st Fancafe Entry ☀

Hello~ It’s Good Day’s Jiwon! I am honored to be writing the first post on Good Day. I am trembling, but there are many things I wanted to write but in the meantime,I will go to practice well!

Today's announcement of the concert !!!!!!! Have you seen everyone?!?!?! Good Day wants to present you with a beautiful and wonderful appearance. We’re practicing hard every day!!! It is tired and tough, but it is the first stage to show to fans!!!! I am preparing hard with a trembling yet excited heart. ㅎㅎㅎ! That’s why everyone... Please come and see us.... ♥ There were a lot of words that I wanted to write but when I wrote them, it felt like I was on cloud 9. If my thoughts turn cloudy and it wants to ‘rain’, I will come here and write again!

Ah!!!! And I'm look at the letter on ‘To: Good Day’ a lot and anticipate it !!!!!! ♥ When I am tired or feeling heavy-hearted, I check ge fan letters and practice again !! I really appreciate it those letters a lot ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Also, I have received your fan letters well!!! So, I will go back to practice again... Everyone, have a good day ~♬

Hello ㅎㅎ It’s Good Day’s Nayoon ㅎㅎ

Good Day Official Fanclub was created and Jiwon was the first to write!! I always see a lot of letters written by my fans. I wanted to talk to my fans and would like to try doing so… it makes me very happy ><

Today, the mini-concert poster for "All Day Good Day" debut on 3rd September is up! Do you like the poster? Is it pretty? Hihihi ㅎㅎㅎ I am practicing hard everyday to show you good performance!! Will you look forward to it ????!!>< You’ll have to come (to the concert) to see more, right ???!! ><

I was nervous and thrilled on the first day of the reality that Jiwon and I shoot for. I was so grateful that you would all look at us so prettily and cutely and to be given with a lot of love. There are so many words I want to say, but I'm so nervous and when I'm so nervous, I can not think very well. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Until I see you guys soon, I will be practicing hard! Please give a lot of love to Good Day. And Nayoon too! Until then, I'll come back later! Good bye!!!

Hello everyone >_< It’s Genie, who wants to be your fairy ㅋㅋ This is the first time I've ever written in To: Good Day. It's awkward to say something. I'll make more x100 more posts in the future. I promise. Also, I see the letters and support messages you all write so well! I get strength to practice harder after reading all those letters.

There’s still so many days left before debut but I'm practicing really hard. You must all be waiting for us right? ㅠㅅㅠ Just a little longer! Wait for us just a little more! All of you will come to support us on 3rd September 3 <All day Good day> mini concert right?

Thank you for supporting Good Day a lot! It’s been hot late so everyone, good luck! I love all of you ♥.♥

Hello everyone, hurray!!!!!! It's Viva ㅎㅎ

Did you have a good vacation? Did you go on holiday? It’s been hot lately, are you all alright?! I go to the fancafe once a day and check the post every time. I've been working hard after seeing the letters written by you! We’re debuting soon and it’s still hard to believe so. I want to debut quickly so I can meet and communicate with you guys! We think of you all day long ㅠㅠ

It is evening. Has everyone had dinner? Are you working or studying? Do not get sick and manage your body well ㅜㅜ ! I will now go practice for the concert.

I would really want to see all of so if you could make, do go. Everyone, let’s meet at the concert,,

I've already decided on everyone’s nickname ㅎㅎ but I'll tell you that in the next letter. See you~

I love you ❤️

Hello everyone >< !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s Cherry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ㅎㅎㅎ Wow.. It’s my first time writing to the fans… so I am really… shaking… ㅎㅎㅎ for real. I’m still shaking even until now that i keep writing and erasing over and over again.

It’s nice to meet you!! I’m so excited and thankful that we have fans despite just recently being made known. There are people who would cheer me up everytime a dancing video of me is released. It made me feel really touched and I even looked up at the comments for it. It felt like it was a miracle to be complemented under the name of ‘Cherry’ (T/N: Was a little confused how I should get this part translated, apologies if it sounds off). Thank you so much. Of course, I also read the letters that are written by fans. I was really surprised and I am really thankful to each of you. Thank you for looking at us. I’ll give you a cheery expression! Look forward to it? ㅎㅎ

Right now, we would really want to see you all!!! Have you waited long? Are you? Please do~ ㅎㅎ I really love sleeping a long but I will give it up to work really hard >< I want to quickly show you a nice show.. Soon, we will be able to make more memories together ㅎㅎ Thanks to all of you, I will work harder!! Ah right!!! Did you watch the reality? ㅎㅎ I was really impressed at your participation for the event. I will write to you with all my heart and soul!!! ㅎㅎAlso, I presented the chemistry with my shoulder in the reality!! But this isn’t all that......ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ I am a member with a whole lot of chemistry ㅎㅎ Do you want to know~~~? I will show you the next time we meet! You’ll hear about it! There will also be a chance to play with the seagull next time with Haeun and Cherry ㅎㅎ Age and gender doesn’t matter ㅎㅎI hope that my fans and my chemistry will be there! I really want to meet you all ㅠㅠ For the first time in my life… the day will come soon… Tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

All those who wait for our debut !!! I hope that you will all anticipate Good Day and Cherry… Will you? I will work hard to pay back for all the support you have given!

Our fans who are waiting for our debut day which falls on the 30th!! I am waiting for you ㅎㅎㅎㅎ I’m sorry… On 3rd Sept, Good Day is having a debut mini concert!! Please come on that Sunday and get some healing!!! I'll wait !!! I can get to meet fans because of the debut day before that!! So exciting. I’m writing the letter with my shoulder side to side but I finished the letter first so I’ll go first.

I really appreciate every fan for looking at me so prettily and thank you for loving me so much. I am really thankful ㅎㅎ We will definitely meet soon!!!!!!!!!!! 매기매기매기매기매기매기매기매기매기 어~! 예~! (T/N: idk how I could translate this so). Then, good bye!!!!!!!!

Hello beautiful people~~~~ Finally Haeun has appeared !! Have you been waiting? Lulu >< This is my first letter so my heart is thumping madly.

It’s 9th of September today so there’s only a few more days to out debut?? There’s only 22 days left~~! Ho !!!!!!!! The ticketing for ‘All Day Good Day’ starts tomorrow! Is everyone ready? We’ve been practicing really hard for it, haven’t we? You guys as well right? I won’t say anything much so do look forward to it!

Have you all looked at the recently uploaded dance video? I am the easiest person to be found~~ We worked really hard on the dance video and have received a lot of praises ㅜ.ㅜ There’s still a lot to show to you guys so I want to quickly show it all to you as soon as possible~~ I’ll show you all of it to you during the debut concert and music broadcast..

I was a little embarrassed for showing an embarrassing side of me during the reality but you have all been looking at me so prettily still even after all that. Ah! I was also really interesting in the seagull a lot! Next time, along with Cherry, I will show you the seagull song! Look forward to it? (Until now, I haven’t made one yet but I’ll look for someone to make the chords for it.)

Until now, we haven’t actually debuted yet but I am thankful for the support the fans have given. It made us really happy. Actually, I even came on the fancafe in secret to read all the letters written. It won’t be long until we debut so please look forward to it. Everyday I look forward to seeing all of you but until then I will work on practicing hard.

Rurirurirururu >3<

I will now go practice! I still got a lot to say ㅜㅜㅜㅜ Sadly, I won't be able to finish so!!!!!!

Euahahahngahahng (asking for the impossible). However, I’ll come back soon! I’ll always appreciate and love you.

I hope it will be a good day everyday. Chups .

Hello!! It’s Good Day’s Chaesol! This is my first writing for the fancafe and my heart is trembling~! Hihi. Um... There are so many things that I would like to say but I don’t know where to start ㅎㅂㅎ

Firstly!! Thank you to everyone who are watching Good Day~! I am truly thankful!! It was my first reality so there are a lot of flaws to it but I am thankful to those who have watched it and cheered on us !!! I have been able to have strength for practices these days :-)

Ah !! Also, I love all the letters you have written and have read them thoroughly... Huk ㅠㅠ All your support gives me strength !! In the future, we will show you a better side of Good Day so until then please keep supporting us~ @_@

I want to quickly be able to communicate with everyone soon! Opportunities will be there, right? Our debut will be on the 30th August and it’s not that long, right..?? You’ll look forward to it and love us a lot, right~~?? ^_^ Then, I’ll work hard and practice my singing, dancing and acting so that we can meet in a better state~

Everyone!! The weather has been hot lately, so please be careful of the heat !!! Don’t forget to eat too~ Please look after yourself~~!! Health is the best!! Hihi Have a good day today as well!! Thank you, I love you @_@

Hello, it’s Good Day’s maknae Bomin!!! I was really nervous as each other the older members’ letter began to come up one after the other and finally it was my turn!! I’m feeling nervous right now as I write this as I keep writing and erasing my words ㅠㅡㅠ Everyone, I want to show you what sort of person I am and every day I want to share with you guys a lot of things!.

Yesterday, our debut mini concert ticketing was finally open!! Jakjakjakjak There are more people coming to see us than what I thought so I’ll work really hard in practices!!! Now, I am excited to see you all in the concert soon and even just the thought of it makes me tremble in excitement… I will seriously work hard so I hope that everyone would come and see!!

Honestly, when I was writing the letter with the other members, I really thought I wrote this really long but that’s not what I thought,,, There are really a lot of things that I want to convey and talk about and to tell you guys more about me ㅠㅠ This is not the end! We will meet everyone again next time~ There’s still time left! We will eventually learn more about each other, okay~?! So then, please do keep supporting and liking Good Day and Bomin ♥

Good bye, it has been Good Day’s maknae Bomin ><

Hello!! It’s Good Day’s maknae Lucky!!!

After the older members, it’s my first time writing for the fancafe ㅠㅠ It’s my first time writing a letter ㅠㅠㅠ To tell you the truth, I am actually feeling really nervous right now that I can type properly... I have a lot to say but I don’t think I can say it all ㅠㅠㅠ Right now, I really am in front of you all!! I really look forward to seeing you all so please wait a little longer!!!ㅠㅠ♡ I want the days to pass by fast so I can present as Good Day and as Good Day’s Lucky !! I hope time will pass by quickly ~~~~

Also, I see you guys writing here every day!!! I do look at everything written!!! I feel really touched ㅠㅠㅠ Thank you for the comments that you all left on the videos ㅠㅠ I check each comment out one by one!!ㅎㅎㅎI hope that every fans of Lucky will always be happy and have happy days ♡

Ah, ah!! Also the ticketing of our concert came out so you’ll come to see us, right???!! We are working hard to show you a really good stage!! We practice like mad every day. In order to show everyone a nice stage, I am practicing really hard ㅎㅎㅎ You can expect to see a lot >< Hehe.

Have you all eaten dinner??? People are rice!! Be sure to eat! The weather is hot these days so be careful to not catch a cold ㅠㅜㅜ The summer cold is scary!! Be careful everyone!!!

Kya Ah Ah A I really don’t know what to write now ㅠㅠㅠ I’m not sure if I wrote the contents earlier properly ㅠㅠㅠ Completely messy… I’ll be sure to come back with more things to write ㅎㅎㅎㅎ… I promise to not get hurt and to eat well~~~ Surely!!!☆ If you want to see me, please leave a picture >< We will meet again!!! Wait a little longer~~~~! I’m always thankful!!! Everyone, fighting ♥ Goodbye ><

Hello!! It’s Heejin! I really want to meet all of you!! As I am writing this letter, I am a little worried in what I have to say ㅎㅎㅎ... Fi. Na. Ly!!!! Episode 4 of reality is out!! Did everyone watch it?? It was the first time trying bungee jumping after being born into this world. I was really scare ㅠ.. ㅠ (Ah,,, I was really embarrassed for screaming a lot... ᄒ,,,...) But I feel like it’s a sort of achievement of something that I could not do before!! Everyone, you need to try it at least once!! Really!!! Now, Good Day’s debut is really nearing!! I really want to meet everyone soon, but I am really nervous. I am practicing really hard right now so I can show everyone a good presentation. I ask that you all look forward to it! ♡ Ah, We are practicing really hard for the debut concert on the 3rd of September! Not only the title song, but we have prepared other stages as well and also the unit stages as well, so please do come!! Until then, I’ll go back to practicing!! I will write to you again soon!

Have your dinner and have a good day♡

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